Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Today was pretty crap.
I woke up at whatever time I woke up, felt shivery, put on an Oxford sweatshirt, did all the normal getting ready for school kind of things, got in the car, went into school, dropped a math book on my foot, and went to orchestra. Orchestra was pretty uneventful, except for a bit in our Tchaikovsky medley where the 1812 Overture starts. Mr. L (orchestra teacher) hit the large drum (what is that called?) when no one was expecting it, and the orchestra collectively jumped. Then I went to Latin, where we talked about demonstrative adjectives and watched an episode of Rick Steves where he is in Italy.
In Math, we took a quiz; it was awful. Then I took notes on more Trig. I hated it. Then I read Abundance of Katherines, which I liked. World History was good, except that we talked about Israel, which is a hot mess. Then I went to lunch and ate lunch and went to Bio and felt crappy. Then I went to study hall and I worked on a group project and revised. Then we took my friend R to the middle school, where her mom works and picked up my sister. I almost screamed at R in the car because I was so frustrated with life in general. A told Mom about everything that happened in her day, then I told mine. This was about the point I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I snapped. I totally vented all of my problems to Mom and started crying in the car. I went home, ate Cheez-Its and read Abundance of Katherines until I felt better. Then, I revised and worked on my group project until I had to go to my piano teacher's house to rehearse Begin Again. I did well-ish, but she was happy and I was content. Then I went home, got ready for dance and went to dance. Dance felt so good. I loved it! Our ballet song is Can You Feel The Love Tonight?, our tap song is Shake It Off, our jazz songs are Razzle Dazzle and You Get What You Get or something like that, and the finale dance is Immortals by Fall Out Boy! Dance was amazing, and then I went home, ate some toaster waffles and more Cheez-Its and revised a lot. Then I wrote this blog post, and probably went to bed.
Sorry today isn't as detailed as usual, but I just don't want to relive today.
Chorus of the Day!

So light em up up up, light em up up up,
light em up up up, I'm on fire
So light em up up up, light em up up up,
light em up up up, I'm on fire

Ooh oh oh oh (In the dark, in the dark)
Ooh oh oh oh (In the dark, in the dark)

My songs know what you did in the dark
My songs know what you did in the dark

Last Chorus of the Day:
Stolen Dance by Milky Chance
La! ~SCP

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