About Me

Hello, everyone!
I am, as you can see in my bio, a fairly small town girl heading to the big city for college. I should say that I'm not expecting anything amazing and groundbreaking, just a new way of life. I don't consider myself very worldly, but I do think that I have an understanding of people.
A bit more about myself: I have what I consider to be anxiety, but it is currently undiagnosed due to a few issues with my parents. They have both lived with varying strengths of nervousness for their whole lives, and they don't consider therapy a priority for anxiety. That being said, I still love them both very much, and I understand the place that they are coming from. After all, they grew up in a different time.
In addition to my parents, I live with my three siblings, A, J, and B. (I have shortened everyone's names to protect their privacy since I do not have their express permission to air their lives on the internet. Rest assured, I won't be saying anything too personal.) A is two years younger than I, J four, and B six. We get along pretty splendidly for siblings, but I believe that we all wish the others would go away sometimes.
We have two leopard geckos, two turtles, a frog, a hermit crab, and about three surviving plants. Our house is cozy, by which I mean it is slightly too small for all of us.
More importantly, to this blog at least, I will be moving from this home to my next, a dorm somewhere on the campus of Macalester College, a liberal arts school in St. Paul, MN. I like the campus and fell in love with the school so it will become the place I live from August to May of the next four years. I plan to study Creative Writing and Physics, hoping to become a science fiction writer in the future. I am very excited for this new adventure and I hope to shed some light on it for everyone out there who might need help or advice.