Friday, October 23, 2015

Young Authors' Conference - Things I Should Have Told You No. 1

So, way back in June or something, I went to a conference at MSU (Michigan State Universtity, or the best school ever [except maybe Oxford]). The conference was about writing and being an author. They talked about how to develop your dream to be more likely to achieve it. The thing that I remember most is at the beginning, they asked who wanted to be an author, and every hand went up. Then, the speaker said that only one percent of us would achieve that dream. I remember that all the time. Some people may be depressed by that, but it makes me work harder.
My first workshop was about dialogue with Cinda Williams Chima. It was so informative. We talked about how to incorporate dialogue into your stories and how to use dialogue to drive a story. This was very helpful for me; my writing is based in description and I use very sparse dialogue, but this helps me pack as much of a punch in a few sentences as I can.
Next, my group workshopped our pieces together. We gave each other feedback and worked on individual improvements. This part was so fun! Love workshopping! (If anyone wants me to post the piece I worked on, I can.)
Then, I went to a workshop about revision, which was helpful because I have a hard time changing my work because I am so attached to.
Next up was a talk on being rejected in the publishing process. This was very interesting. The amount of very famous books that were heavily rejected is astonishing.
Lastly, I went to a workshop about publication. This was very intimidating because of the difficulty in being published. I look forward to the challenge, however.

The Young Authors' Conference was really fun, and I wish I had written about it sooner. Then again, this is the Things I Should Have Told You.
Chorus of the Day!

The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
You left me in the dark
No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
In the shadow of your heart

Last Chorus of the Day:
Gold Rush by Ed Sheeran
La! ~SCP

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