Tuesday, June 5, 2018

So, I Graduated?

Which is weird, to be honest. It feels strange to be free of high school, strange to have moved on to a world that feels too big and uncertain to ever have a place for me. This world is large and terrifying and I don’t know how I will be able to live in it. High school is like a security blanket at this point. It is safe, it is warm, it has protected me from the ravaging craziness of the ‘real world’. I will miss my high school years, the four years that shaped me, that molded me into the person I am today. I would like to think that high school has made me a better person, not just smarter but stronger, kinder, braver, stranger, more me. High school has helped me find myself, and I want this person to be good. I so desperately hope that I am the person I wish to be, the person that my parents wish me to be.
High school means so much to me, and the people that I met here mean so much more. My teachers and friends are so important, and I want to acknowledge how much their guidance has influenced me. I learned that I love physics, that I can write a great article, that I’m funnier than I expected to be, that people can love each other without ever saying so. I learned how to build a community, how to build publication, how to build a life. High school is a practice run for the real thing and I feel like I have done pretty well on that. Even though I did not have the four-point I always thought I would, I did end high school with much more self-awareness than I had before. Although I have not stopped procrastinating (I am writing this on Tuesday when I had plenty of time all week, not being at school and all), I have learned to recognize it, which is much better than before.

I cannot write here everything that high school has taught me. The lessons are innumerable, and there is no use trying to count them all here. I loved high school, and I expect to love college. I will miss my high school friends forever, but we are stronger having known each other than not. There are so many people that I love fiercely, that I know are stronger than me, smarter than me, wiser than me, better than me.
Thank you so much for reading.
See you soon…


Chorus of the Day:

These are the things, the things we lost
The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire
These are the things, the things we lost
The things we lost in the fire, fire, fire

Last Chorus of the Day:
Queen of Peace by Florence + the Machine

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