Sunday, December 18, 2016

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Reaction ***SPOILERS***

I love the way that this movie dealt with war. It was real and raw and heartbreaking. Everyone died, like a war. There are heroes, but heroes end up dead. This is life, this is war, and Rogue One met it head on. Orphans, widows, prisoners, cripples, casualties: this is reality.
The part that really made me cry, though, is when Bail Organa came on the screen. The last time any one of those people saw him. He came into the light and I cried. If he had just stayed, Leia would not be an orphan, she would not have that scar on her soul.
Plus, the Leia, R2, and 3PO cameos were great. Plus, the scarred man and Aqualish from the Cantina scene in New Hope was a great touch.
I loved that Tarkin was there. I love Grand Moff Tarkin. He is so amazingly evil.
The cinematography was great. There was contrast and composure to each shot.
The score was phenomenal. There were traces of John Williams' score, but it was different, an entirely new sound, much darker and more personal.
I liked that there wasn't a scroll. The lack of a beginning scroll made the action feel so much more immediate.
K2-SO was the greatest ever. He was so snarky.
All the characters were great.
All in all, I think Rogue One was unabashedly, unapologetically Star Wars, but held itself back from the trilogies. It was the main storyline, but not too close. It hit the balance between Star Wars and war documentary perfectly.
I loved it.
Chorus of the Day!

Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

Last Chorus of the Day:
Run Dry (X Heart X Fingers) by Patrick Stump
La! ~SCP

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