Monday, October 10, 2016

I Love Tea

I love tea. This should not be a surprise to you, given the title. I’ve always loved tea but mostly flavored teas. You know, the ones by Lipton that don’t actually taste like tea, just fake fruit flavoring. I love apple teas and chai teas, the more intensely cinnamony the better. And mint teas, just before bed, piping hot. Always make me feel better, and less like I couldn’t breathe. (I have constantly have a cough.) Anyway, when I was visiting my Grandparent’s house this summer, I had a green tea, plain green tea, and water. I drank five cups of tea that day, and haven’t gone back since. Where many people obsessively drink coffee, I drink tea. Every morning decaffeinated (yes, I know, the caffeine is the point of drinking tea in the morning, but I don’t like the feeling of knowing that my brain chemistry has been messed with) plain green tea out of this awesome super-insulated, big-as-my-head mug. I love tea, to the depths of my soul, and want nothing more that to be in my bed right now, curled up with a mug of tea. (I’m currently sitting under a desk in my AP Literature class [we have a sub] and trying to come up with an idea for an essay by intensely procrastinating. Yay! :/
Chorus of the Day!

I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs

But I'm afraid that someone else will hear me
You can only blame your problems on my world for so long
Before it all becomes the same old song
As soon as we hit the hospital, I know we're gonna leave this town
And get new passports get out now

Last Chorus of the Day:
Car Radio by Twenty One Pilots
La! ~SCP

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