Monday, December 21, 2015

What I'm... No. 9

I'm back! Mwah ha ha!
The Great Detective
This was a great book. I really loved it and it was informative and funny.

City of Glass
I finally finished this one. I didn't like it as much as the others, but it was okay.

The Goldfinch
This was a good book, but it was long and full of drugs/sex/mental illness/illegal activity/awful choices.

Madison and Jefferson
This is a great book, but I have been reading it for quite a while. It really is fascinating what the American school system doesn't tell us about our founders.

Vampire Academy
This is my pulp fiction guilty pleasure series, and I do like it a lot, but it doesn't feel the same as the other series that I love.

This one is slightly worse than Vampire Academy.

Vision of the Future
I loved Specter of the Past and Timothy Zahn is an awesome person. I am so excited to read this one!

Sprinkle of Glitter
Louise's blog is practically perfect in every way, as usual.

Sunny Sweet Pea
Sunny and sweet, as advertised.

This Charming Life
Kaelah's blog is charming as ever.

Anna Saccone
I love Anna's blog. She is funny and truthful an perfect.

Life of Bon
Bonnie's blog is yet again hilarious.

Beautiful photos, minimalist theme, amazing posts.

Charlie McDonnell
Funny and engaging.

Alice's Antics
I started reading this one recently and I really like it so far.

Fall Out Boy
My sister A just got all of their albums, so have been listening to a lot of Fall Out Boy. Some of the older stuff is growing on me, but my favorite album is American Beauty/American Psycho.

Panic! At The Disco
I love Panic! My birthday present from A was Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die! which is my favorite of their albums.

twenty one pilots
Listen to them a bit. I really like Car Radio, some other songs are okay, but I'm really just on the fence.

New Politics
Vikings is a great album and their other albums are quite good as well.

Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet again, I am listening to Native.

Imagine Dragons
Everything Imagine Dragons is great.

Dear Hank and John
Amazing and super funny, as per usual.

Jurassic World
Chris Pratt was awesome. I really loved this movie, and I want to go to Jurassic World to see the petting zoo.

The Force Awakens
See this post. It is a comprehensive view of my thoughts.

Doctor Who
Oh my gosh, this season was amazing. Post on specifics to follow.

I love Dan.

And Phil.

P4A was great and I am so excited for 2016.
We are all batpeople.

Crash Course
Almost done with Psychology and loving Astronomy/US History/World History.

Zoe's Vlogmas is great.

Sprinkle of Glitter
Louise's as well.

That's it. Bye!
Chorus of the Day!

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now
I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind
I'll do it all for you in time
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better

Last Chorus of the Day:
Ship to Wreck by Florence + The Machine
La! ~SCP

Thursday, December 17, 2015

You Know What This Is

I saw The Force Awakens.

It was a beautiful movie, visually stunning. The colors were so bright, and everything you see is beautiful. Even the background mesmerizes you. I never wanted to stop looking. The sounds are, once again, more beautiful than anything. This is a minimalist dialogue movie. I loved it.
Everyone in my family is talking about what they did or did not like. That doesn't matter. It was beautiful and amazing and it wasn't perfect, but if it was it would have sucked. It was Star Wars. It is Star Wars.

Yes, the book storyline is better. Yes, the Original Trilogy is better. Star Wars isn't perfect.
What I liked best was that they didn't change the opening. Same music, same words, same magic.
It was sad. Oh my, it was sad. It was happy and it was heartbreaking. It was emotional.

I'm still not sure if I'm dreaming.
Chorus of the Day!

And oh my love remind me, what was it that I said?
I can't help but pull the earth around me, to make my bed
And oh my love remind me, what was it that I did?
Did I drink too much?
Am I losing touch?
Did I build this ship to wreck?
To wreck, to wreck, to wreck
Did I build this ship to wreck?

Last Chorus of the Day:
Vegas Lights by Panic! at the Disco
La! ~SCP

Monday, December 7, 2015

10 Days Until Star Wars: The Force Awakens!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn' he just gorgeous?!

I want to cry.

There are ten days until the best day of my life and the end of my world. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do after the movie is out. I have been counting down since somewhere around 235. I have been waiting for this my entire life. Star Wars was, is, my first fandom. People talk about how they always come back to Hogwarts. I will always come back to that black sky with beautiful white stars and scrolling yellow words. That is Star Wars. A black field with white points on it brings Star Wars into my mind.
I watched Star Wars for the first time when I was six. My mother says I talked about it constantly, even before that. I would come home and talk about Yoda, Luke, Leia, Vader and their adventures. How Han Solo and the Wookiee took the droids on the Falcon. I told her the stories she already knew, but she saw how much I loved them, in my forcefulness. I was a timid child, but Star Wars made me shout, yell, speak louder than a whisper. I pushed these movies I had never seen on anyone who would listen. I loved them before I knew what they were.
I am sixteen now. Ten years later, I love them in the same visceral, instinctive way. I cannot remember a time when I did not love Star Wars. I cannot remember a time when I did not know Star Wars. Star Wars is as much a part of me as breathing. This is the place I call home.
What does one do after the movie comes out? I have only been waiting for this for 235 days, but really, it's been my whole life. I don't know where to go from here. I can wait for Civil War (May 6), or Rouge One (2016), but no wait will ever compare to this one.
The Force Awakens, I can feel it in my bones. Waiting for this movie is a part of me, written in my DNA. Will I be lesser once it is here?
I want to believe that I will not. I will be remade, cast in a new image, absorbing another part of myself. I can carry on, even without the waiting.
Chorus of the Day!

In the Vegas lights
Where villains spend the weekend
The deep end
We're swimming with the sharks until we drown

The Vegas lights
The lies and affectations
We're winning 'til the curtain's coming down

Last Chorus of the Day:
Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine
La! ~SCP